The argument concerning the health benefits of fruit juices and wine has been an age-old debate for a long time now.
Where one section of the populace believes that fruit juices are a healthier choice. For instance, you can read about green juice health benefits here, and see how these may differ or relate to the benefits of wine. Another is of the opinion that a glass of wine a day is all they need to keep their heart-healthy.
But both of these outlooks have their own merits and demerits. And if you’re feeling a bit confused as to which party you belong, to then hear us out on a third opinion, which is a much more objective one.
Why choose one when you can have both?
Both wine and fruit juice have antioxidants, which help in regulating optimal blood flow in the vessels by reducing excess cholesterol and preventing clots. In fact, the many different types of juices with different health benefits in themselves. Some people might prefer however to use supplements such as cats claw or turmeric tablets to potentially help them calm down any potential inflammation they are suffering from.
So, let us take a closer look at some of the more unique traits of both and how essential it is to supplement them in your daily diet.
Wine and its health benefits.
The potential health benefits of wine gained recognition only after 1991, when ‘60 Minutes’, put forth a researched observation on some of the more predominant trends of the time.
The observation was more of a paradox really. And it concluded with the fact that the French had one of the lowest heart disease rates, even though their diet was filled with saturated fats.
Hence support for alcohol and red wine as ‘playing a heart-healthy role’ has grown ever since. And special research has also been carried out to determine how the individual components in wine contribute to healthier living.
Polyphenols and Resveratrol
The antioxidants that dominate our diet, aren’t the ones that a lot of us are familiar with. Compounds like polyphenol, are one of the most abundant. Of which only six thousand types of flavonoid polyphenols are known; and surprisingly enough, we consume only a gram of them in our daily routine.
Even with a regular intake of vitamin C, E, and other beta-carotene, the number of polyphenols that you intake daily can amount to less than 100 mg (which is staggeringly low).
Polyphenols, over the years, have been proven to be one of the major contributors to the antioxidizing effects of fruits and vegetables. And flavonoids are considered as one of the many major contributors to good health, especially when it comes to cardiovascular functions of the body.
Wine contains a large variety of polyphenols as well, including flavonoids, which are primarily extracted from the skin of grapes.
Resveratrol is also another lesser-known antioxidant to look out for when it comes to red wine. It’s known to reduce the amount of “bad” cholesterol in the body, thereby preventing blood clots.
Some researchers have even shown that resveratrol at times may produce anti-cancer, anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory effects, that go a long way in providing good health and better living standards.
Health Benefits of Juices.
Just like wine, fruit juices have an amazing array of health benefits as well. But today we will focus more on Grape and Pomegranate juice, and see how they can affect our health and everyday life. If you’d like to know more about properly juicing fruits, feel free to follow the link.
- Grape Juice.
When it comes to grape juices, the darker the better. It’s a lot like wine, and the darker variety of juices provides the most amount of health benefits. But it should be kept in mind that along with the juice, the grape skin should also be pulped in.
The grape skin contains the majority of the antioxidants, which include resveratrol and another type of polyphenol called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins lower cholesterol lowers blood pressure, and along with resveratrol, acts as an added measure that protects the blood vessels in your heart.
- Pomegranate Juice.
Pomegranate juice is one of the best when it comes to mopping up the free radicals that cause chronic inflammation and prevent a majority of heart problems. It is chocked full of polyphenols and contains more antioxidants than blueberries, cranberries, green tea, or even orange juice and red wine.
Though pomegranate juice has not been experimented on for long, some recent studies have shown that about 2 ounces daily for a year can significantly reduce the thickness of the carotid artery.
Intimal-media thickness of the carotid artery is the measurement of the artery walls that are generally used to track the progression of atherosclerotic diseases.
And keeping that in mind, another experiment has also conclusively shown that, 8 ounces of pomegranate juice every day can decrease stress-induced ischemia. Ischemic changes occur in the brain of patients who have heart diseases that resemble something like a placebo.
Pomegranate juice helps protect the blood vessels, and by reducing the thickness of the artery walls, it allows the brain to receive more oxygenated blood and protect it from clot damage and trans ischemic attacks.
Some Intake Recommendations.
The major differences between fruit juice and wine lie in their usage. Though fruit juice is recommended for everyone and for all age groups, wine on the other hand isn’t.
As it is an alcohol-based substance, people with certain health conditions like a weak heart or women with pregnancy shouldn’t opt for it.
Also, under normal circumstances, enjoying red wine from a Wine Dispenser Machine can be the best bet. No more than 1.5 ounces daily for women and 2 for men can substantially benefit your heart and free up the cholesterol that is blocking the arterial passages.
Mixing fruit juice with wine, in your daily diet, along with a variety of other fruits and vegetables is one of the most ideal dietary plans. Meeting the daily 8-9 servings of fruits and vegetables as recommended by the AHA is a guaranteed way of ensuring a healthier lifestyle.
Final Thoughts.
Though both wine and fruit juice may not be as rich in vitamins as the fruit itself, their anti-oxidising capabilities are indeed one of the best a health freak can ask for. From improving metabolism to lowering blood cholesterol, moderate amounts of wine and fruit juice in a daily diet can do wonders to improve your health.
Hope you enjoyed our healthy living guide today.
Till next time!
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